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Take a look at the latest news, updates and some fun blog posts from the Twyford Drama community!

Our Old Home Is Now the New Twyford Library!

It's great to see that the new Twyford Library is opening today in the Old Boys School building. As many who know Twyford Drama will be aware, this building was the home to our group for over fifty years before moving out to allow the library plan to take shape. We used the building as a base for our rehearsals, scenery store, costume store and workshop. The original school fittings, coat hooks, classroom dividers and cast iron stove were supplemented with spotlights, a workbench and false ceiling. With no central heating, no cloakroom and only a few electric sockets it could be a cold place to be on a winter’s evening - the new library is far more welcoming! - but it was an atmospheric and evocative place to celebrate after a show was finished and cleared away.

Over the years some strange things were accumulated. A forlorn pair of fairy wings were attached to one of the windows for many years and made a strange sight for passers-by. There was a ten foot long hammer, made for a pantomime in the 1990s, hanging on the wall and threatening anyone who might disrupt a rehearsal. There was also a set of Golden Organ pipes. Then the walls were covered in the posters of almost every production ever staged.

Leaving our ‘Group’ was hard work and quite emotional for those who had memories of hilarious moments, triumphs of set building, or of meeting their future partner in the old building. But we are now installed at Loddon Hall, where we have performed ever since it opened.

This video was taken in January 2019 at one of the last rehearsals ever in the Old Boys School as the ugly sisters, played by Rick McKinnie and Neil Perrott, try to prove that the glass slipper will fit their feet. It's great to see the old building transformed, like Cinderella going to the Ball!

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